It’s coming berry friends! But we’ve got to wait just a bit longer…
We are NOT open for strawberry season YET. Our berries continue to ripen but we are still unsure of our actual opening date. Strawberry ripening is highly dependent on weather. However, we anticipate our strawberry season to begin sometime on or shortly after June 20th.
Stay tuned berry friends, we can’t wait for you to come pick this season! We hope that you not only get great tasting berries but that you also make memories with your kiddos, grandkids, & friends because berries shared are memories cherished.
We’ll continue to keep you updated on the season. For daily updates during the season, follow us on Facebook or Instagram. Remember, conditions can change quickly in the Patch so be sure to check our Facebook, Instagram, Website, or hotline (608-924-1404) before heading out to pick.
In the meantime, here are some things to know about our strawberry season:
? Our pick-your-own hours this season are Mon-Fri 8a-noon & 4-8p (no pm pick on Fridays) and Sat 8a-2p, or until picked out.
⚠️ Picking conditions can change quickly in the Patch ⚠️
? It’s always important that you call our hotline 608-924-1404, or check our website or Facebook page before coming out to pick.
? U-pick strawberries are $2.50/lb. Picking containers are provided.
? We accept cash, credit and checks.
?We are unable to offer pre-picked strawberries
? We also have lots of other great, local products available in our farm store, including: honey, eggs and jam. Sugar snaps peas should be ready to pick right when strawberry season begins or shortly thereafter & baby red potatoes will be coming soon.
? The Patch is currently open daily from 9a-6p.
⭐Now available: farm fresh eggs, asparagus soup, pickled asparagus, pure honey, & locally produced jam!?
Hope to see you in the Patch or at market soon!
Farmer Ed & Farmer Kathy