Author Archives: kathy

Open Daily 9-6pm

Strawberry Season Update:

Strawberry season is soooo close!

🌧While the cooler weather doesn’t ripen the berries, the rain we’re getting actually helps size and sweeten the strawberries. And we’re anticipating warmer weather this week soooo…🤞
🍓We’re seeing some of the very early fruit ripen to full red along the edges of the fields but overall our fields are still looking like they won’t be ready for picking until around June 10th.
👍❤️Throughout the coming week, we will be updating our Facebook and Instagram with information about preparing for strawberry season and how we do it at the Patch. Follow along to get all the insights!

There’s just a few days left to asparagus season!
Don’t miss out! When it’s gone, it’s gone!

👉Head up to our self-serve farm store, open daily 9-6pm. Drive on out to the Patch and follow the signs to our garage where asparagus, eggs, and more are for sale.
💵 Currently at the Patch, we accept Cash, Check, or payment via QR code.
👉 Stop by and grab some fresh produce, as well as, farm fresh eggs, tangy dilly beans, local honey, and pure Wisconsin maple syrup.
📱Please call ahead to place an order if you’re wanting more than 10#s of either rhubarb or asparagus.
🚫 Sorry, there are no pick-your-own activities available at the Patch currently.

Hope to see you in the Patch or at market soon!

Farmer Kathy and Farmer Ed